“If your goal is to get stronger and faster and have fun doing it, this is the ideal training environment.”
— Katie

TTA Roots
The Town Athletics provides Pilates, strength, power and athletic performance training. Our sports-specific training caters to all ages and abilities through one-on-one coaching, group workouts, and training plans. Our holistic approach builds a strong foundation, supporting proper mechanics, preventing injuries, and allowing individuals to excel in their sports, activities, and goals.
TTA Workouts
We offer a variety of classes (Pilates reformer, springboard, power and strength, early morning, sports specific strength & Pilates), weekly track workouts, and personal training. Our coaches/trainers bring in a variety of backgrounds, skill, and fun. Classes are small and fill up quickly, please sign-up and reserve your space online. You can find our class schedule here.
WE ARE All athletes.